Dancing into the party season

The festive season is upon us… and before Xmas, and even before Sinterklaas, we have the festival of Sint Maarten to celebrate! It’s a bit of a mix of festivals, with kids going round the doors collecting sweets, but not trick or treating, but carrying colourful lanterns and singing songs. This year, because we had a mad week and didn’t have time to go to the school lantern making session, we decided to sit down and make our own. And with we, we mean: Amy. How the kids do it, no idea… but in the end, who’s the one that ends up cutting and glueing everything together? Well, they DID make an effort… Hannah cut out all the shapes from her lantern, as did Sam. The tidying up was done by mommy… Photos courtesy of daddy! Who then also went round the doors with them. Hannah went on for a bit longer and collected loads! She found out that there are a few streets where kids hardly venture. And we guessed that, because our doorbell didn’t stop ringing… We were out of sweets, tangerines ánd apples by the end of the evening…

Finished!!! Can I colour now??? But Sam, we haven’t even started!

Have you seen my beautiful picture?


I can squint really well too!

Oh, something in my eye…

No, not tired at all…

Now, go away with that camera!!

Hannah’s musical lantern…

And what happens when you give the camera to Sam…

Ready to go outside and collect sweets!!!

And where the dancing comes in??? The Kiddy Disco!!!

Swish new disco lights!

Gangnam stylie…

Sam having a chill moment with Mega Mindy Sharissa

Hannah and Tamara

Sam and Julio

Hannah, Anne-Meike and Naomi pouring over a telephone game…

2 Responses to “Dancing into the party season”

  1. MoniqueB. Says:

    We almost send out a searchparty for dear daughter over here! She and her friend stayed away for hours with little lanterns in search of candy 😉
    The batman lantern looks great! It must have been a succes! Please tell Batman he does make pretty pictures!

    The kiddydisco over here isn’t nearly as crowded as yours, do they promote a lot?

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